Operation Can Collect at McHenry County Real Estate Community Complete

McHenry County real estate at Liberty Trails
Recycling Drive Held at Liberty Trails

The aluminum can collection project in the Liberty Trails subdivision, a community of McHenry County real estate, completed on August 27. Gerstad Builders took the cans to recycling. We’d like to congratulate all helpers who gathered 98 lbs of aluminum!  Behr recycling of Woodstock paid us $62.00 to which we donated to the McHenry Food Pantry. Thank you to everyone who made this donation possible.

For those of you who do not know where the McHenry Food Pantry is, it is located in the basement of the McHenry Township building on Route 31 North, in the town of Johnsburg. It is open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.  Donations are always accepted.

Here is my experience…

I opened the door into a small room which was packed with people needing food. The next thing I noticed was the sight of empty metal shelves instead of stacks of food supplies. I made my way past many persons and walked to the front where there was a woman sitting at a folding table. I told her that I had a cash donation and she was able to accept it. I gave her a letter and the cash from the recycling project. She asked me if I wanted a receipt and then just said “thank you very much.”

That was it, so simple, no complications. However, as I turned to leave, I had to pass by a young person, not much older than 18, waiting in line for food. My heart sank for him and I wondered why this “boy” was here in the middle of a school day. I don’t think I will ever forget his face or all the questions that will go unanswered.

There are many people in this town who need help. If you ever feel the need to do something good for someone else, think about making a donation – anywhere. This particular donation was so simple and didn’t cost us much but time, effort and a little gas to Woodstock and back.

Thank you all for your cooperation and efforts in making this project do something good for McHenry citizens.

For more information about Gerstad Builders or our McHenry, Richmond, Poplar Grove or Williams Bay real estate, visit our website.

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