McHenry New Homes Residents: Prepare for Halloween with these Safety Tips

Halloween Safety Tips for McHenry New Homes Residents

Preparing your McHenry new homes for Halloween is so much fun: So exciting, in fact, that we can get caught up in the experience and forget to educate our kids about proper Halloween safety. Before you send you kids out the door for some trick or treating fun, review the tips below for parents AND kids so that you can ensure a safe experience for all.

Halloween Safety for Adults

Cell phones: Cell phones are everywhere these days. Even if your child doesn’t own one of his or her own, let your child borrow yours. Add all important phone numbers and make sure your kids know how to use it.

Know the route: If your kids are old enough to venture out on their own, then make sure you know the route they plan to take. Then, have them check in every so often (this is where the cell phone comes in hand) to let you know that they are still safe. Also, make sure to set a curfew so your children know when they will be expected home.

Crossing the street: Although you have probably been preaching how to cross the street properly before your children were allowed to walk without holding your hand, a friendly reminder never hurt anyone. It gets darker earlier which means visibility is decreased sooner. Remind them to look both ways.

Halloween Safety for Kids

Be mindful of strangers: It goes without saying that you’re sure to ring a doorbell and not always know the person who answers. However, you should never go into a stranger’s house. If a stranger invites you into his or her home to receive your candy then kindly refuse, leave and call your parents.

Candy checks: Never eat your candy unless your parents have inspected it, and don’t eat homemade treats from strangers.

Carry a flashlight: Have something on you that makes you visible to cars. Flashlights, glow sticks and reflective tape on your costume are all good ideas.

Keep these tips in mind when you step out of your McHenry, Williams Bay, Richmond and Poplar Grove homes so that you’ll have a safe and enjoyable Halloween.

For more tips from Gerstad Builders, visit our website.

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