Summer Driving Rules to Remember

Now that summer has arrived and more and more people are escaping their McHenry, Williams Bay, Richmond and Poplar Grove homes to experience some sunshine, it’s necessary to keep in mind some good rules of thumb when it comes to driving. Below, we’ve listed some summer driving rules to keep in mind while out enjoying your summer vacations.

Cell Phones-It is illegal to use a cell phone, personal digital assistant (PDA) or portable computer to compose, send or read messages or access the Internet while driving. Summer is here and the people are outside everywhere. Keep your eyes on the road and not elsewhere. Put down your cell phone or pull over if something cannot wait.

Construction Zones-Whether workers are present or not, the speed limit is reduced in these zones. Drive slowly and safely through construction areas. The people employed in these zones are working hard to make your travels better in the future. “Give them a brake.” Also, stay off your cell phone in these zones. The law prohibits any type of cell phone use in construction zones. Fines are high and better things can be done with your money then giving it to the state.

Flashing Crosswalks-When flashing crosswalks are flashing and people are present, cars are required to stop. People and bicycles have the right of way. Stay alert and brake when a flashing crosswalk is activated.

While you’re out, don’t forget to stop by and tour our new McHenry County real estate. With new pricing and amazing buyer incentives, you’re sure to find the perfect home at the perfect price. For more information, visit the Gerstad Builders website.

We hope you have a fun-filled and safe summer!

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