Getting To and From School Safely

school safetyWhether its walking to the bus stop or all the way to school.  Read and practice the following ideas to help your children arrive safely.

  • Choose a specific route. Select a specific route for your child to follow.   Make this path the most direct route to your child’s destination.  Use sidewalks, crosswalks and crossing guards where available.  Be sure to tell your children to stay away from “shortcuts.”  Avoid passing through neighbor yards and other areas that could hide your child from sight.
  • Walk the designated route with your child. Make sure your child knows the route and practices safe behaviors before you send them on their own.
  • Make sure your child knows their basics. Does your child know their address, phone number and parents first names?  You may even want to teach your child the information of a secondary person, like grandma or a trusted friend, to which they could contact if mom or dad cannot be reached.
  • Buy your children brightly colored coats and backpacks. This will help to make the child more visible to others on the roadways.
  • Talk about Strangers. Remind your children not to talk to strangers, get a ride from a stranger, take a gift from a stranger or even help a stranger.  Discuss what your child should do if a stranger approaches.
  • Discuss Bus Rules.  If your child rides the school bus, go over the bus rules.  Safety on the bus is just as important as safety while walking to school or waiting at the bus stop.  Your bus driver will appreciate a well behaved child.
  • Turn your lights on. As fall and winter comes upon us, so does the darkness.  Turn on your front lights while you wait for your child to come home.  As your child sees those lights on they know you are home and waiting for their safe return.

Give these a try and have a safe and happy school year.

Gerstad Builders builds homes in some of northern Illinois most popular school systems including Williams Bay, McHenry, Poplar Grove and Richmond.

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